
Highlycustomizablestartmenuwithmultiplestylesandskins·Quickaccesstorecent,frequently-used,orpinnedprograms·Findprograms,settings,filesand ...,StartMenu8isaneasy-to-useprogramthatreturnstheWindows10startmenutofamiliarWindows7styleandallowsformorecustomizationwithjustafew ...,AsadesktopcustomizedtoolforWindowsusers,StartMenu8isdesignedespeciallytobringbackthestartbuttonandstartmenuforWindows8/8....

Classic Shell

Highly customizable start menu with multiple styles and skins · Quick access to recent, frequently-used, or pinned programs · Find programs, settings, files and ...

Download Start Menu 8

Start Menu 8 is an easy-to-use program that returns the Windows 10 start menu to familiar Windows 7 style and allows for more customization with just a few ...

Start Menu 8

As a desktop customized tool for Windows users, Start Menu 8 is designed especially to bring back the start button and start menu for Windows 8/8.1/10.

Start Menu 8 for Windows

Start Menu 8 is a Windows utility that bypasses Windows 8's tile-based Start screen interface, re-introducing the familiar desktop UI and Start menu from ...

Start Menu 8 for Windows

Download Start Menu 8 for Windows for free. Give Windows 8 the traditional start button you've been missing. Windows 8 and 8.1 came without the traditional.

Start Menu 8 PRO 讓你的Windows 1011更貼近傳統功能表

2022年9月24日 — 你可以跟去上圖點選使用者帳號大頭圖示旁的齒輪設定鈕,或是在開始鈕按下滑鼠右鍵,再選擇【設定】。

Start Menu 8 讓你的Windows 10更貼近傳統功能表

2018年4月24日 — 在「功能表」畫面的設定上,可以指定每個選項功能的方式,例如可以設定音樂是以不顯示、連結顯示或功能表方式顯示,讓你的開始功能表更靈活些。

Windows 8 Start Menu

Start Menu 8 is a revolutionary UI product! Over 12 million professionals have already chosen it. Just install it to see why! Tabs.

[正版購買] Start Menu 8 中文版

2021年7月16日 — Start Menu 8 is a desktop customized tool for Windows users, specifically designed to bring back the familiar Classic Start Menu to Windows 8/ ...